Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Well it FINALLY happened Caleb Luke Wilson made his appearance into this world on 5-5-09 at 10:59 PM. He weighed 7lb 14 OZ is 19 inches long and has gobs of thick dark hair. (My mom says that he looks exactly like me when i was a baby). he is a very good baby so far only crys when he is hungry but he is only 8 days old so we'll see how long that lasts.
Owen is handling the new addition OK but as of yesterday has started to show some jealousy towards Caleb especially when he is getting feed but has been a good big brother so Far and will bring me things if i am unable to get up and get them my self or throw a dirty diaper away.
Our hospital stay was great (Other than all the pain) i loved delivering at Gilbert Mercy and the staff and volunteers were great.
well not really much happening other than just getting back into a routine with Caleb. my mom went home today we just dropped her off at the airport i miss her already with my hormones all out of wack i cried all the way to my mother in laws house and Cory was threatening to turn the car around and buy me a plane ticket on the same flight and send me to Utah with her.
well when new things happen i will let you know but my brain is overloaded right now so here are some pics hope you enjoy:


The Slider Family said...

Congratulations!!!!! I'm so happy to hear that everything went well. Hang in there with the hormones:) , it will all even out soon. He is so beautiful(just like his big bro!)and love his poseing! Mason, Masill, and I send you all lots of LOVE.

The Slider Family said...

So I was told that I spelled Mailee's name wrong. Some how I spelled Masill, but without spelling check I will spell something wrong!~:)

codyandkristiboretsky said...

Hi Michelle! Hey I found your blog through Taina's! Congrats on your beautiful little boy! All the pics are soooo precious! I'm glad you guys are doing well! Please call if you need anything, ok!!

Taina said...

He sure is a cutie! And he makes Owen look so grown up! I hope you are adjusting well!